Globalstar's specifications

Prime contractor Space Systems/Loral
Platform LS-400
Mass at launch 450 kg
Mass in orbit  
Dry mass 400 kg
Dimension trapezoidal shape
Solar array 10.75 m span (2 panels)
Stabilization 3-axis (orbit determination with GPS)
DC power 1100 W
Design lifetime 7.5 years

Satellites are built by Alenia Spazio in Rome. The structure and thermic control is built by Aerospatiale, the payload by Alcatel and the propulsion and solar arrays by Dasa. Space Systems/Loral has a fixed-price contract for the construction of Globalstar's satellites, which it will perform in conjunction with various other members of the international Space Systems/Alliance, which includes Aerospatiale and Alcatel of France, Daimler-Benz Aerospace of Germany, Alenia and Finmeccanica of Italy, and with Hyundai of South Korea.

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