Inmarsat 2's specifications

Prime contractor British Aerospace (now MMS)
Platform Eurostar-1000
Mass at launch 1310 kg with Ariane
1385 kg with Delta
Mass in orbit BOL: 824 kg
Payload mass 132 kg
Dimension 1.6 x 1.5 x 2.6 m
Solar array 15.23 m span
Stabilization 3-axis
DC power EOL: equinox: 1156 W, solstice: 1040 W
Payload power 660 W
Design lifetime 10 years
Capacity 250 duplex voice channels

The Inmarsat system has downlinks in L-band that are uplinked in C-band (6 GHz) and uplinks in L-band are downlinked in C-band (4 GHz).

The Inmarsat M standard defines the use on a 10 kg case which cover is the antenna. The uplink frequencies are 1.626-1.660 GHz and 1.525-1.559 GHz for download. Data can be transmitted at 2400 bauds.

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