Intelsat 7's Ku-band

Main transponders 10
Backup transponders  
Power 5 transponders of 35 W
5 transponders of 50 W
Bandwidth 6 transponders of 72 MHz
4 transponders of 112 MHz
Coverage and EIRP max Spot 1: 45.4 dBW
Spot 2: 44.5 dBW
Spot 3: 46 dBW
(the nominal power can be increased)
Polarization linear
Frequencies downlink can be switched to 10.95-11.20 GHz, 11.45-11.70 GHz, 11.70-11.95 GHz & 12.50-12.75 GHz
Beacons 11.701 & 12.501 GHz linear
11.198 & 11.452 GHz RHCP

Five transponders max per spot. Spot 1 is V, spot 2 is H and spot 3 is either H or V depending on the spot (1 or 2) it belonged to (only 701, 702 & 703 have this polarization limitation, on the others the polarization can be choosen).

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